When is Truman Day in 2025?
Truman Day in 2025 is on the Thursday, 8th of May (5/08/2025).
Truman Day is on the 128th day of 2025. There are 237 days left in the year.
Truman Day Facts
- Date: May 08, 2025
- Regional
- Also Called:
- Celebrations: Celebrations; Rallies, educational sessions, visit the Truman Presidential Library and museum

Truman Day commemorates and honors the legacy of the former US president, Harry S Truman. He is the only president who came from the state of Missouri.
Who was Harry S Truman?
Truman was born in 1884 and grew up near Independence in his family’s farm. Truman worked as a timekeeper, clerk, served in the Missouri National Guard, and also in World War I. He later joined politics and was elected a county official before becoming a senator for Missouri in 1934, where he served for a decade. In 1945, Truman became a vice president before succeeding to the presidency following the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Truman is mainly remembered for leading the US through the final stages of World War II. He made the infamous decision to drop the atomic bomb on Nagasaki and Hiroshima.
When is Truman Day?
Truman Day is observed across Missouri on or around May 8 every year. The day has, however, been faced with controversy with some people asking for its abolishment.
Is Truman Day a public holiday?
The day is a state holiday in Missouri and, therefore, a day off to the general population. Government offices, organizations, banks, schools and most businesses remain closed. The public transit services may also be affected and thus follow the holiday timetable instead of the regular schedules.
Things to do on Truman Day
Truman Day is marked with a variety of activities across Missouri. Politicians also celebrate the day, especially to benefit the democrats as the party that he represented.
As a student, attend educational sessions organized for high school students to educate them on the history of Truman and other US presidents. Essay writing competitions are also organized, and students encouraged to be great history writers.
You could also attend rallies often organized by democrat politicians. It could be your best opportunity to meet your favorite politicians in social settings. You may also participate in fundraising dinners often geared towards supporting the democratic party.
Another option would be to visit the Truman Presidential Library and museum, where his birthday is celebrated annually. The wreath-laying ceremony is also conducted in his memory and a birthday cake served.
Truman Day Observances
- Fri
- May 08, 2020
- Sat
- May 08, 2021
- Sun
- May 08, 2022
- Mon
- May 08, 2023
- Wed
- May 08, 2024