When is Seward's Day in 2025?
Seward's Day in 2025 is on the Monday, 31st of Mar (3/31/2025).
Seward's Day is on the 90st day of 2025. There are 275 days left in the year.
Seward's Day Facts
- Date: Mar 31, 2025
- Regional
- Also Called:
- Celebrations: Celebrations; attend special history programs

Seward Day is a special holiday in Alaska to celebrate the US purchase of Alaska from the Russians in 1867. However, the day should not be confused with Alaska Day, which commemorates Alaska's formal transfer from the Russian to the Americans.
What is Seward Day?
Originally, Alaska was part of Russia. However, the narrative changed in 1867 when the then secretary of the United States, William Henry Seward, signed a treaty to buy Alaska for $7.2 million. Many considered it a waste of money and the land useless. The opinions changed in 1897 when gold was discovered in the area and attracted many investors to Alaska. Seward Day was therefore declared a holiday to commemorate the purchase of the Alaska area from the Russians.
When is Seward Day?
Seward Day is marked on the last Monday of March to coincide with the time back in 1867 when the US purchased Alaska.
Is Seward Day a public holiday?
Seward Day is exclusive to Alaska, where it is marked as a state holiday. It is, therefore, a day off to the general population. If Seward Holiday falls on a weekend, it is moved to the nearest weekday.
What is open or closed on Seward Day?
The government offices, post offices, organizations, libraries, and most courts and businesses in Alaska remain closed. Some public schools tend to open, but schools finish early. If you plan to travel on Seward Day, check with the local transport authorities since the timetable tends to change.
Things to do on Seward Day
Seward Day is a day off to the general population in Alaska. Most celebrations are usually centralized in Anchorage, Seward, and Sitka.
Some towns organize special history programs aimed at teaching residents about the state of Alaska. There are also storytelling events for both adults and children. Here, you are assured of learning a lot about Alaska and how it has become the state it is today.
As a student, take the opportunity to learn the much that you can about William Seward's life. Most schools provide students the chance to write essays and class discussions about Seward's achievements and contributions to Alaska.
Seward's Day Observances
- Mon
- Mar 30, 2020
- Mon
- Mar 29, 2021
- Mon
- Mar 28, 2022
- Mon
- Mar 27, 2023
- Mon
- Mar 25, 2024