When is Robert E. Lee's Birthday in 2026?
Robert E. Lee's Birthday in 2026 is on the Monday, 19th of Jan (1/19/2026).
Robert E. Lee's Birthday is on the 19th day of 2026. There are 346 days left in the year.
Robert E. Lee's Birthday Facts
- Date: Jan 19, 2026
- Regional
- Also Called:
- Celebrations: Celebrations; attend marches and parade

Robert E Lee's birthday is observed to commemorate the life and work of the Confederate commander. The day is observed by various southern states, though on different dates.
Who was Robert E Lee?
Born in 1807 in Westmoreland county, Lee was a career soldier who rose to become the Confederate States Army's commander during the infamous American civil war. Robert Lee is remembered for his military success, a believer in states' rights, a skilled army engineer, a hero of the Mexican American War, among many other achievements.
When is Robert E Lee's birthday?
Robert E Lee's birthday is an annual holiday in Mississippi observed on the third Monday of January. It is on this day that Martin Luther King's Birthday is also celebrated. The shared celebration has, however, attracted a lot of controversies, with many arguing that it is unacceptable since the two men are at extreme opposites as far as black people in America are concerned.
Is Robert E Lee's birthday a public holiday?
The day is a state holiday in Mississippi. The general population is entitled to a paid holiday on this day.
What is open or closed on Robert E Lee's birthday?
Robert E Lee's birthday is a day off to the general population. Government offices, organizations, schools and most businesses remain closed. The public transport services also tend to run on the holiday timetable, but there is likely to be heavy traffic around towns where most festival activities are conducted.
Things to do on Robert E Lee's birthday
Robert E Lee's birthday is marked with various activities geared towards celebrating the confederate army icon.
You could attend the Robert E Lee's birthday marches and parade. Considering that the holiday is shared with Martin Luther Kings Day, you can expect plenty of marches to celebrate the two icons. Other popular activities that accompany the parades include the wreath-laying ceremonies, special speeches, and musket salutes.
You may also read your favorite newspaper and magazines. Most publications often run editorial notes detailing the great achievements of Robert E Lee's work and life achievements.
Robert E. Lee's Birthday Observances
- Mon
- Jan 20, 2020
- Mon
- Jan 18, 2021
- Mon
- Jan 17, 2022
- Mon
- Jan 16, 2023
- Mon
- Jan 15, 2024