When is Patriots' Day in 2025?
Patriots' Day in 2025 is on the Monday, 21st of Apr (4/21/2025).
Patriots' Day is on the 111nd day of 2025. There are 254 days left in the year.
Patriots' Day Facts
- Date: Apr 21, 2025
- Regional
- Also Called: Lexington Day, Battles of Lexington, Concord Day
- Celebrations: Celebrations; attend concerts, road races, and the Boston Red Sox baseball

Patriots Day commemorates the famous battles of the American Revolution that took place at Lexington and Concord in 1775. Sometimes, the day is also referred to as Lexington Day or Battles of Lexington and Concord Day.
What is Patriots Day
Before 1775, the eastern part of the United States consisted of British colonies controlled by the United Kingdom. As a move towards gaining independence, the American War of Independence ensued. On April 18, 1775, a large troop of British troops marched to Concord and Lexington intending to destroy weapons collected by the American colonists. American troops received a warning that alerted them of the planned attack. Paul Revere led the American forces who intercepted the British, and just then, a fierce war began. Patriots Day is therefore celebrated as a symbol of the emerging independence of the new country.
When is Patriots Day?
Patriots Day is on the third Monday in April. However, the day should not be confused with Patriot Day marked on September 11 to commemorate the terrorist attack in 2001.
Is Patriots Day a public holiday?
In Massachusetts and Maine, Patriots Day is a state holiday. A few other states recognize it as an observation but not a legally paid holiday.
What is open or closed on Patriots Day?
The government offices, schools, banks, organizations, and most Maine and Massachusetts businesses remain closed. The federal offices are, however, open since Patriots Day is not a federal holiday. The public transit services may operate on the holiday schedule, and there is likely to be traffic around the reenactments and stadiums in Boston.
Things to do on Patriots Day
Patriots Day is full of activities for the general public. The most popular event is the reenactment of the battle that took place back in 1775. If you attend the reenactment, you will get a chance to ring a bell like the one that was rung back then to warn that the British were approaching.
Most educational institutions organize programs to educate the public about the events that transpired on Patriots Day over two centuries ago. Grab the opportunity and learn the history and traditions that surround this day, indeed this is your chance.
If you wish for an outdoor thrill, then the Boston marathon is what you need. The competitive Marathon is held every year on Patriot’s day in the city of Boston in Massachusetts. The Marathon has actually been around since 1897.
On this day, other special organized events include concerts, road races, and the Boston Red Sox baseball team. Indeed, Pioneer day is full of fun activities.
Patriots' Day Observances
- Mon
- Apr 20, 2020
- Mon
- Apr 19, 2021
- Mon
- Apr 18, 2022
- Mon
- Apr 17, 2023
- Mon
- Apr 15, 2024