When is King Kamehameha I Day in 2025?
King Kamehameha I Day in 2025 is on the Wednesday, 11th of Jun (6/11/2025).
King Kamehameha I Day is on the 162th day of 2025. There are 203 days left in the year.
King Kamehameha I Day Facts
- Date: Jun 11, 2025
- Regional
- Also Called:
- Celebrations: Celebrations; floral parade, draping ceremony, visit all the six King Kamehameha I statues

Hawaii is not just a land of beautiful beaches but also one of the great monarchies. For this reason, Hawaiians come together every year to commemorate the first monarch of the land and his great contributions to the state of Hawaii.
Who was King Kamehameha I?
King Kamehameha, I was the son of a great chief born between 1736 and 1761. He was given different names such as Kamehameha the First, Kamehameha the Great, and the Napoleon of the Pacific. The fearless warrior is celebrated for unifying the islands of O’ahu, Lana?i, Kaua?i, Kaho?olawe, Ni?ihau, Maui and Hawai?i and establishing the kingdom of Hawaii in 1810. The highly respected leader ruled Hawaii as a monarch from 1782 until he died in 1819. In December 1871, his grandson proclaimed the holiday, and it was observed the following year for the first time. After Hawaii became a state, the holiday was declared again by the then Governor and legislature.
When is Kamehameha I Day?
Kamehameha I day is observed on June 11th every year.
Is Kamehameha I a state holiday?
Kamehameha I day is a state holiday in Hawaii. However, the holiday is exclusive to Hawaii and not celebrated in other states.
What is open or closed on Kamehameha I Day?
Many state offices, organizations, schools, banks, and businesses remain closed on Kamehameha I Day. Some businesses may open on reduced hours according to the local custom. The public transit system is not majorly affected and is likely to run as usual. However, there might be congestion in major cities due to the variety of celebratory activities taking place.
Things to do on Kamehameha I Day?
Kamehameha I Day is full of festivities and activities geared towards promoting the Hawaiian culture. Although Hawaii is one state today, there are varied celebrations in all the islands that formed the kingdom of Hawaii back in the Day.
In O’ahu, the floral parade held at Downtown and Waikiki is a sight to behold that you cannot afford to miss. The dazzling parade displays floral floats, colorful horse-riding units, and Hawaiian people in traditional costumes dancing to cultural music.
The other islands have similar celebrations, mostly full of color and draping. The draping ceremony takes place in front of Ali’iolani Hale and Lolani Palace in Honolulu. Here, the statue of Kamehameha I is draped in long strands of lei, a type of garlands made by stringing flowers and leaves together. The draping is also done to the statue at the monarch’s home island as well as the statue at the United States Capitol.
You might take it as a goal to visit all the six King Kamehameha I statues across the state of Hawaii. Four of them are on the island, one in Las Vegas and the other in Washington DC. Though it is impossible to tour all of them on a single day, it would be a fun activity to put to your bucket list.
Kamehameha I Day can also be a family day for you and your loved ones. You can spend some quality time trying to pronounce Kamehameha I correctly. If the weather permits, have fun trying to create a lei tog.
King Kamehameha I Day Observances
- Thu
- Jun 11, 2020
- Fri
- Jun 11, 2021
- Sat
- Jun 11, 2022
- Sun
- Jun 11, 2023
- Tue
- Jun 11, 2024