When is Jefferson Davis' Birthday in 2025?
Jefferson Davis' Birthday in 2025 is on the Monday, 2nd of Jun (6/02/2025).
Jefferson Davis' Birthday is on the 153rd day of 2025. There are 212 days left in the year.
Jefferson Davis' Birthday Facts
- Date: Jun 02, 2025
- Regional
- Also Called: Jefferson Davis' Day
- Celebrations: Celebrations; visit the concrete obelisk at Jefferson state historic site

Also known as Jefferson Davis' Day, the holiday commemorates the birthday of Jefferson Davis. He was the first and only president of the Confederate States of the United States during the infamous American civil war. The holiday is observed by various states but sometimes on different dates.
Who was Jefferson Davis?
Davis was born in 1808 in Kentucky. He joined the army and was later elected into the house of representatives in 1845. He resigned from his position in favor of serving in the Mexican American War as a colonel. He then returned to politics and became a senator of Mississippi. At this time, he was made the president of the confederacy, a position that led to his arrest and imprisonment of two years. Several states celebrate Davis' birthday as a way to honor his leadership and political roles.
When is Jefferson Davis' Birthday?
Jefferson Davis' Birthday is observed on different dates by various states. In Mississipi, the day is included in the Memorial Day celebration on the last Monday of May. In Texas, the day is part of Confederate Heroes Day on January 19th. While in Alabama, Jefferson Davis' birthday is on the first Monday in June.
Is Jefferson Davis' Birthday a public holiday?
Jefferson Davis' Birthday is a state holiday in Alabama. In Mississipi and Texas, the holiday becomes a state holiday since it is observed as part of Memorial Day and Confederate Heroes Day, respectively.
What is open or closed on Jefferson Davis' Birthday?
Government offices, schools, most organizations, and businesses remain closed on Jefferson Davis' Birthday in Alabama. The public transit services may also change their timetables to reflect the holiday schedules.
Things to do on Jefferson Davis' Birthday?
Jefferson Davis' Birthday has gained controversy in recent years, with some people demanding its scrapping. However, some states still maintain the day's celebration with a variety of activities.
Parades may be held in Alabama, where the holiday is a state holiday. The celebrations are crowned with the hoisting of the confederate flag. There could also be dances and music as people celebrate the icon that Jefferson Davis' was.
On this day, you may decide to visit the concrete obelisk at Jefferson state historic site in Kentucky. It's not only a good chance for you to learn about history, but the 351-foot building will offer you spectacular views as you admire the city.
Jefferson Davis' Birthday Observances
- Mon
- Jun 01, 2020
- Mon
- Jun 07, 2021
- Mon
- Jun 06, 2022
- Mon
- Jun 05, 2023
- Mon
- Jun 03, 2024