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When is Nelson Mandela's Birthday in 2025?

Nelson Mandela's Birthday in 2025 is on the Friday, 18th of Jul (7/18/2025).

Nelson Mandela's Birthday is on the 199th day of 2025. There are 166 days left in the year.

Nelson Mandela's Birthday Facts

  • Date: Jul 18, 2025
  • National
  • Also Called: Mandela Day
  • Celebrations:
Nelson Mandela's Birthday iImage Credit: wikiPedia

Nelson Mandela is the first black South African president who reigned from 1994 to 1999. Due to his numerous achievements for South Africa and South Africans, Nelson Mandela's Birthday has become an important event on the South African calendar. This is in appreciation and celebration of the great leader in him and is commonly known as Mandela Day.

Nelson Mandela was born in a village named Mvezo of South Africa on 18th July 1918. He received Noble Peace Prize in the year of 1993 for his contribution to make South Africa free and bringing peace in and around Africa.

His 95th Birthday was on July 18, 2013. However, the celebration was in a different mode since he was hospitalized on June 8, 2013. There is call for people to join in a volunteer day initiative to celebrate. The objective is to "take action to help change the world for the better". It is reported that Nelson Mandela has served the community, his country and the world for more than 67 years. Therefore, the people were asked to donate 67 minutes of their time in reflection of this.

Nelson Mandela's Birthday is not only celebrated in South Africa but also in some other African countries. The major reason why he is celebrated in South Africa is that he fought for freedom in South Africa. He was detained for 27 years to show the determination of a true leader. He was involved in the transformation of South Africa and is a major part of a process that has steered South Africa to be the most developed nation in Africa. He helped many black South Africans get more rights and not be persecuted by governing parties. This attracted extensive love for Mandela by the South African people. So South Africans celebrate Nelson Mandela's Birthday with significant passion. He has been part of various initiatives to eliminate poverty in Africa.

Nelson Mandela's Birthday celebration is a message to many people all over the world about this amazing African leader. It also sends a clear message to racists, a message of uniformity and equality for all. It is evident that Nelson Mandela is an icon that will be celebrated throughout the world today and in the days to come.

Nelson Mandela's Birthday Observances


List of National and Regional Public Holidays of South Africa in 2025

WednesdayWedJan 01, 2025Jan 01New Year's Day
FridayFriMar 21, 2025Mar 21Human Rights Day
FridayFriApr 18, 2025Apr 18Good Friday
SundaySunApr 20, 2025Apr 20Easter
MondayMonApr 21, 2025Apr 21Family Day
SundaySunApr 27, 2025Apr 27Freedom Day
MondayMonApr 28, 2025Apr 28Freedom Day Holiday
ThursdayThuMay 01, 2025May 01Workers Day
SundaySunMay 25, 2025May 25Africa Day
MondayMonJun 16, 2025Jun 16Youth Day
FridayFriJul 18, 2025Jul 18Nelson Mandela's Birthday
SaturdaySatAug 09, 2025Aug 09National Women's Day
WednesdayWedSep 24, 2025Sep 24Heritage Day
TuesdayTueDec 16, 2025Dec 16Day of Reconciliation
ThursdayThuDec 25, 2025Dec 25Christmas Day
FridayFriDec 26, 2025Dec 26Day of Goodwill

List of Popular Celebration Days of United States in 2025

SundaySunJan 12, 2025Jan 12National Pharmacists Day
SundaySunJan 19, 2025Jan 19National Popcorn Day
SundaySunFeb 02, 2025Feb 02Groundhog Day
WednesdayWedFeb 05, 2025Feb 05National Signing Day
FridayFriFeb 07, 2025Feb 07National Wear Red Day
SundaySunFeb 09, 2025Feb 09National Pizza Day
ThursdayThuFeb 13, 2025Feb 13Galentine's Day
FridayFriFeb 14, 2025Feb 14Valentine's Day
SaturdaySatFeb 15, 2025Feb 15National Bagel Day
TuesdayTueFeb 18, 2025Feb 18National Drink Wine Day
SaturdaySatFeb 22, 2025Feb 22National Margarita Day
TuesdayTueMar 04, 2025Mar 04National Pancake Day
FridayFriMar 07, 2025Mar 07National Cereal Day
FridayFriMar 07, 2025Mar 07National Employee Appreciation Day
SundaySunMar 09, 2025Mar 09Daylight savings
MondayMonMar 10, 2025Mar 10National Napping Day
FridayFriMar 14, 2025Mar 14National Walkout Day
FridayFriMar 14, 2025Mar 14National Pi Day
ThursdayThuMar 20, 2025Mar 20National Proposal Day
SundaySunMar 23, 2025Mar 23National Puppy Day
SundaySunMar 30, 2025Mar 30National Doctor Day
WednesdayWedApr 02, 2025Apr 02National Walking Day
ThursdayThuApr 03, 2025Apr 03National Burrito Day
MondayMonApr 07, 2025Apr 07National Beer Day
FridayFriApr 11, 2025Apr 11National Pet Day
SaturdaySatApr 12, 2025Apr 12National Grilled Cheese Day
ThursdayThuMay 01, 2025May 01National Day Of Prayer
SundaySunMay 11, 2025May 11Mother's Day
SundaySunMay 25, 2025May 25National Towel Day
SundaySunMay 25, 2025May 25National Wine Day
FridayFriJun 06, 2025Jun 06National Donut Day
SundaySunJun 08, 2025Jun 08National Best Friends Day
SundaySunJun 15, 2025Jun 15Father's Day
SaturdaySatJun 21, 2025Jun 21National Selfie Day
SundaySunJun 22, 2025Jun 22National Kissing Day
SundaySunJul 13, 2025Jul 13National French Fry Day
MondayMonJul 14, 2025Jul 14National Nude Day
WednesdayWedJul 16, 2025Jul 16National Hot Dog Day
SundaySunJul 20, 2025Jul 20National Ice Cream Day
WednesdayWedJul 23, 2025Jul 23Amazon Prime Day
ThursdayThuJul 24, 2025Jul 24National Tequila Day
TuesdayTueJul 29, 2025Jul 29National Chicken Wing Day
FridayFriAug 01, 2025Aug 01National Girlfriends Day
SundaySunAug 03, 2025Aug 03National Sister Day
ThursdayThuSep 18, 2025Sep 18National Cheeseburger Day
FridayFriOct 03, 2025Oct 03National Boyfriends Day
SaturdaySatOct 04, 2025Oct 04National Vodka Day
SaturdaySatOct 04, 2025Oct 04National Taco Day
ThursdayThuOct 09, 2025Oct 09Leif Erikson Day
SaturdaySatOct 18, 2025Oct 18Sweetest Day
WednesdayWedOct 29, 2025Oct 29National Cat Day
FridayFriOct 31, 2025Oct 31Halloween
MondayMonNov 03, 2025Nov 03National Sandwich Day
FridayFriNov 28, 2025Nov 28Black Friday
MondayMonDec 01, 2025Dec 01Cyber Monday
SaturdaySatDec 06, 2025Dec 06Candle Day
TuesdayTueDec 09, 2025Dec 09National Pastry Day
FridayFriDec 19, 2025Dec 19National Ugly Sweater day