When is Anzac Day (Australia) in 2025?
Anzac Day (Australia) in 2025 is on the Friday, 25th of Apr (4/25/2025).
Anzac Day (Australia) is on the 115th day of 2025. There are 250 days left in the year.
Anzac Day (Australia) Facts
- Date: Apr 25, 2025
- National
- Also Called:
- Celebrations: Military Parades, Remembrance Service

Anzac Day is one of the most important national holidays celebrated both in Australia and New Zealand. ANZAC stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps. Anzac Day is celebrated every year on 25th April to honor all those who served and died in military operations for the country.
During World War I the ANZAC fought at Gallipoli in Turkey. The ANZAC soldiers landed on the Gallipoli early on the morning of 25th April, 1915. 25th April was officially declared as the Anzac Day in 1916.
In Australia and New Zealand, the Commemorative services are held at dawn on 25th April. The ANZAC Day ceremony includes events such as an introduction speech, hymn, prayer, an address, a recitation, the "Last Post", a period of silence and the National Anthem. People gather at war memorials across the countries and pay homage to the Soldiers.
Anzac Day (Australia) Observances
- Fri
- Apr 25, 2008
- Anzac Day
- Sat
- Apr 25, 2009
- Anzac Day
- Sun
- Apr 25, 2010
- Anzac Day
- Mon
- Apr 25, 2011
- Anzac Day
- Wed
- Apr 25, 2012
- Anzac Day