When is National Anthem Day (Romania) in 2022?
National Anthem Day (Romania) in 2022 is on the Friday, 29th of Jul (7/29/2022).
National Anthem Day (Romania) is on the 210th day of 2022. There are 155 days left in the year.
National Anthem Day (Romania) Facts
- Date: Jul 29, 2022
- National
- Also Called: Ziua Imnului national
- Celebrations:

National Anthem Day is the National holiday of Romania celebrated on 29th of July. People celebrate this day as the Unity of the Romanian Revolution in 1848.
Romania's national anthem was composed by Andrei Mure?anu during the 1848 revolution. This song was immediately accepted as the revolutionary anthem as it contains the message of liberty and patriotism. It has eleven verses and has been sung during all major Romanian conflicts.
On National Anthem Day the full version of the Anthem is sang accompanied by 21 gun shots in the presence the President. On this Day the President and other political leaders appear at the public events and discuss about the nation's heritage, laws, history, people, about recent events and future projects.
National Anthem Day is considered as a Public Day with lots of educational and cultural programs, musical concerts and parades.
Romanian people proudly fly their Flag, sing the National Anthem and enjoy the day with their friends and families.
National Anthem Day (Romania) Observances
- Tue
- Jul 29, 2008
- National Anthem Day
- Wed
- Jul 29, 2009
- National Anthem Day
- Thu
- Jul 29, 2010
- National Anthem Day
- Fri
- Jul 29, 2011
- National Anthem Day
- Sun
- Jul 29, 2012
- National Anthem Day