When is International Midwives' Day in 2025?
International Midwives' Day in 2025 is on the Monday, 5th of May (5/05/2025).
International Midwives' Day is on the 125th day of 2025. There are 240 days left in the year.
International Midwives' Day Facts
- Date: May 05, 2025
- International
- Also Called: National Midwife Day, International Day of the Midwife
- Celebrations: Street parades, public rallies, karaoke, contests, and workshops

Midwives are very vital to women during pregnancy, labor, childbirth and even during the post-delivery period. Indeed, the role of midwives is not only incredible but also incomparable. For this reason, May 5th was set aside as International Midwives' Day to celebrate professionals in midwifery and their work skills. This day is also popularly known as the International Day of the Midwife or National Midwife Day.
Who is a Midwife?
A midwife is a professional trained to take care of women during pregnancy, labor, delivery and after the baby is born. Midwives work from birthing centers, homes and sometimes in hospitals. Most women, who want childbirth that is very natural and with minimal medical intervention, always prefer the services of a midwife. However, women who might have complicated pregnancies or expecting multiples, doctors do not recommend the services of a midwife.
History of International Midwives' Day
The idea of having a holiday to honor midwives was reached in 1987 during the International Confederation of Midwives (ICM ) conference held in the Netherlands. The first International Midwives' Day was observed on 5th May 1991 under the theme “Towards safe birth for all by the year 2000”. Since then, the day has been celebrated yearly, and the ICM comes up with a campaign theme every year aimed at promoting the midwifery profession.
Today, the International Midwives' Day is observed in more than 50 countries across the globe.
How to Celebrate International Midwives' Day
The best time to appreciate midwives from local health centers or the big hospitals is on this day. Midwives associations and supporters of midwifery organize activities all geared towards increasing the publicity of the midwifery profession. Such activities include street parades, public rallies, karaoke, contests, and workshops.
If you know any midwife in person, pat their back and show them how much their work is appreciated. If you are a woman, who underwent safe pregnancy, labor and delivery, brave yourself and appreciate the midwife (s) who took care of you. You can buy them a gift or just call them to say Thank You. It will surely warm their hearts.
As a midwife, this is the best time to let people around you realize the vital role played by midwives in the society. You can join other midwives and related organizations to make the day special by setting up a stall in a high traffic area to publicize the midwifery services. If organizing a rally in a public space then plan to invite a prominent personality to address the people.
Better still, plan on attending a workshop or conference for a chance to interact with other midwives and learn about new developments in the midwifery field.
International Midwives Day Australia is usually marked by the Walk with Midwives events organized across the country. Midwives, women, children and those in support of midwifery walk together to honor the work of midwives.
Why Celebrate International Midwives Day
According to statistics, about 850 women die every day due to preventable causes related to pregnancy and childbirth. Even worse, 2 million newborns die after birth while 2.6 million cases are stillbirths.
In order to reduce or eliminate the occurrence of these cases, there is a need to increase the awareness of the midwives role in the society.
By observing the International Midwives' Day, governments and midwifery associations are always reminded of the importance of employing enough, well educated and harmonious midwifery workforce. Proper equipment and other supplies should also be provided in all health facilities to reduce maternal and child rates throughout the world.
International Midwives' Day celebrations also encourage enhancement of quality training of midwives, implementation of innovative technology and providing midwives with a conducive environment for working in.
International Midwives' Day Observances
- Tue
- May 05, 2015
- Thu
- May 05, 2016
- Fri
- May 05, 2017
- Sat
- May 05, 2018
- Sun
- May 05, 2019