When is Australia Day in 2026?
Australia Day in 2026 is on the Monday, 26th of Jan (1/26/2026).
Australia Day is on the 26th day of 2026. There are 339 days left in the year.
Australia Day Facts
- Date: Jan 26, 2026
- National
- Also Called:
- Celebrations: Fireworks, Parades, Outing

Australia Day is a public holiday in every state and territory of Australia, celebrated every year, on 26th January. This Day is celebrated as the anniversary of the arrival of the First Fleet from England at Sydney Cove in 1788 and the hoisting of the British flag there.
On 13th May, 1787, British Captain Arthur Phillip with his team started the voyage from Portsmouth, England, to establish a convict colony in Australia and on 26th January, 1788 they arrived at Sydney Cove. The first Australia Day was officially celebrated by Governor Lachlan Macquarie in 1818.
Australia Day is celebrated with great enthusiasm in all over Australia. This Day is considered as a Public Day with outings, picnics, barbeques and lots of outdoor events like parades, air shows, fireworks and concerts. This is an opportunity to reflect nation's history, heritage and to think how to make Australia an even better place to live.
Australia Day Observances
- Sat
- Jan 26, 2008
- Australia Day
- Mon
- Jan 26, 2009
- Australia Day
- Tue
- Jan 26, 2010
- Australia Day
- Wed
- Jan 26, 2011
- Australia Day
- Thu
- Jan 26, 2012
- Australia Day